Book review by Roy and Chris

This humorous book by Richard Georgiou tells the story of his ride from England to Greece and back again on his solo motorbike. 

The first page sets the scene for the rest of the book  –  his GPS system has a mind of its own, and on occasions it was known to change the instructions off its own back!!  On page he tells that he had once programmed it to go to Dijon in France  –  however he ended up outside a sweet shop called “Dijon” in Belgium!!!

He stayed at a lot of campsites in Europe on this trip.  One day he could not find a safe camping place and subsequently booked into a nice hotel;  he wondered how much this would cost him.  However. he was pleasantly surprised to find that it cost less than some of the campsites that he had stayed at.

His trip covered 6,000 miles.  The bike went well he found out how to get the best from his machine at high altitude;  this is worth knowing. 

The book contains 250 pages with lots of really interesting photographs and is priced at one penny short of £ 8.  I found it a really enjoyable and light-hearted read.

The book is printed by BANOVALLUM  BOOKS.  I looked these up on the internet and was surprised to see that this is part of the Morton Group.